First FREEKEND: There's Still Time!
>> Monday, December 21, 2009
Hey, everyone! Just a quick reminder that our first FREEKEND is upon us -- and we're getting super excited to post what you all have been up to (sometime in early January). Yes! You still have time to to post and/or contact us with your submission. Now, we understand that the holidays are fantastically busy, so we're extending the date for submission a bit this time around.
We'll accept all posts/etc. up until January 3rd. This gives you two more weekends! And 13 more days . . . So spread the word (or else we'll lock & load our laser cats and come after you)!

I'm hoping you guys are as pumped about this whole thing as we are. If not, that's OK too. But, really, folks -- it's fun, creative, and you save money. What's not to like? If you haven't already, go check out the "rules" at our first FREEKEND post. And if you have any questions, just leave a comment or email us at :)
Pssst: Looking for an example? Just check out Meghan's (Unintended Housewife) post!
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