Giveaway Winners -- Congrats!
>> Friday, January 15, 2010

Thanks to everyone who participated in our first giveaway! In all, there were 43 of you! That's exciting for us, and you all shared some great responses regarding what you like and what you'd like to see more of on our little site. I'll get right to it -- but one quick note. I wasn't too strict this time around with contact info. However, in our next giveaway, if you don't provide some way of contacting you . . . you won't win.
That being said . . . drum roll, please!

Our first winner (of WINTER) is Alison from I Need a Hobby, Other than Gin & Tonic. Alison writes: "You seem very organized, I'd love to hear how you keep things that way." Oh, if you only knew. However, we try really hard. And we posted something related this morning (how to store bulk foods). Congrats, Alison! If you could please email us (at your mailing address, we'll send out your print ASAP. :)

Our next winner (of BLUE) is Michelle -- she'd like to "read more about some Asian-inspired dishes that are healthy at the same time." Great idea, Michelle! And we'll take this one on as a challenge. We did post some tasty vegan summer rolls back a month or so ago. So make sure to check those out. Your print will be on its way very soon :)

Our last winner (of AFTERNOON) is Meredith who writes: "I love your blog lots! Thanks for always brightening my day!" Awww, thanks, Meredith! We're blushing! If you could please email us (at your mailing address, we'll send out your print ASAP.
There you have it. The winners of our first giveaway. Didn't win? Don't be discouraged. We still love you, it was just random (thanks to Tara's Random Number Generator). You can still check out the (never home)maker Print Shop and browse even more pretty prints (with newly added 5x7 sized photos). And stay tuned for another giveaway -- set for when we reach 500 subscribers. (So far we're at 371 -- so not too far to go!!!)
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