(never home)maker Kitchen Tour
>> Monday, January 18, 2010

Those of you who follow us on Twitter might already know that we spent a large chunk of yesterday cleaning and organizing our kitchen. I, of course, enjoyed a generous glass of champagne . . . and Stephen a few Green Flash IPAs. We got the job done, and now we'd like to share with you our pretty, clean, organized cooking space.
Here's the main hallway that leads into our kitchen. It's a tight squeeze . . . into a tight room . . . so, as you can see, we don't exactly have a ton of square feet-age in which to cook. But, of course, we manage.

Next, our refrigerator. Ah, how we love her. Since we have so little space . . . we put all our cookbooks on top . . . we also stick up all our randomly printed off recipes and race numbers, etc. Erin over at Domestic Adventure recently posted about fridge fronts, and if you're brave enough, you can share yours, too. Just go check it out on her blog.

Now here's my favorite part of the entire room: the island. OK. I realize it's not really an island, but at one of our old apartments, that's what we used this piece of furniture for (and, I believe, its intended purpose). When we moved into our first place, we realized that we didn't have nearly enough counter space to cook/bake. So, it's now up against the wall, and we use it ALL the time.
In fact, since we use it so much, we decided to add a shelf above to give us added storage for our bulk foods. Stay tuned for a post later in the week about this small project that has completely changed our lives (or something like that -- and for only $18)!

Along with adding the shelf, we organized our entire dry foods cabinet. This took hours and hours . . . but was totally worth it. We started by picking up some cheap-o plastic containers and labels . . . then listened to our own advice about how to store bulk foods, and it was sooo worth it. Just look at all that good stuff!

No kitchen is complete without the oven -- which is, perhaps, the heart of the entire room. Ours gets a workout . . . almost as much as we do. We bought our oven last year and -- though stainless steel is all the rage -- decided to go with white to keep our space looking as open as possible. And saving some $$$ was an added benefit of going this route.

Oh, our dishwasher. Or lack of a dishwasher. We have a plan for this problem, though . . .

And now for a few other shots. Hope you enjoy! Overall, the kitchen is tiny, but efficient -- and we spend most of our time there. How'd we spice our space up on the cheap? First, we slapped some paint on the walls and added a dramatic printed curtain. Would you believe the floor was carpeted when we moved in? Believe it! And learn how we fixed the problem for only $1.99 a square foot!
And since we first posted this tour of our lovely kitchen, it's been published on one of our all-time favorite blogs: The Kitchn. Go check out our kitchen tour post there, and read some more about our style choices.

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