Blog Love Fest: February 2010
>> Tuesday, February 2, 2010
It's that time again: Blog Love Fest! But yet, this time it's even more special because it's the month-o-love. If you'd like to check out previous love fests, just look at the December and January posts. Want to participate? Here's how . . . (and PS: if you added your blog last month -- feel MORE than free to add it again!)
It's that easy! So, don't be shy! Share away . . . and if you've got friends who blog, send 'em this way. My goal is to get together a nice list for everyone to check out during this month-o-love. I'll post a button on my sidebar so we can enjoy 'em till March!
Pssst: You have until February 14th (how appropriate, right?), then the list is closed until the next Blog Love Fest in March.
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