Chocolate-Plum-Pecan Breakfast Shake
>> Thursday, July 21, 2011
Good morning. When I woke up today, sun was already streaming into our bedroom windows. It was nearly 80 degrees F outside. Oh, and I woke up at 6AM -- so we're in for an insanely hot day here in NY state. Or should I say, in the United States, in general?!
I took a quick shower (trading my originally planned 5-mile run in for a rest day), threw on a dress (made of what I can only describe as bathing suit material), and headed downstairs to make this chilled-out breakfast shake I've been dreaming about.
No, really. I started planning it as I went to bed last night.
What you'll need . . .
- 1 cup almond milk (unsweetened)
- 1 ripe plum
- 1 ripe banana
- 1 cup ice
- 1/2 cup rolled oats
- 1/4 cup pecans
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup
- 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
Method . . .
- Toss all ingredients into a blender.
- Blend until smooth.
These days, I prefer smoothies for breakfast over most anything else. They're healthy, satisfying, and COLD. But the only way a breakfast drink keeps me full is if I add oats and nuts to it. The texture is certainly not as smooth as a regular smoothie . . . but I sort of like chewing it down.
If that makes any sense!
Also, we bought a new blender this weekend! It's the Ninja -- and we scored it from Bed Bath and Beyond for only $80 (after using a 20% off coupon -- ps: they honor expired coupons!)! In celebration, we've declared next week smoothie week on the blog. So, stay tuned for more fun recipes.
Yesterday on (never home)maker, baby! I wrote all about my workout and running plans now that I'm in the second half of my pregnancy. I've slowed down, but I'm not stopping, and I'd love to hear your suggestions and advice on what you (or someone you know) did to keep active in the later weeks.
And don't forget to enter the Mighty Leaf Iced Tea Giveaway!
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