Postpartum Fitness Update

>> Monday, July 2, 2012

Ada is 7.5 months old, which makes me 7.5 months postpartum. I would say I'm feeling back to the "normal" me by now, though there are certainly still some notable differences.

(If you're new or catching up, you can read about my postpartum fitness challenge month 1, month 2, and month 3.)

I could drone on about how I haven't lost any more weight since (130 and holding) we last visited the topic. How my mid-section is still wider. Posterior, flabbier. The truth is, my shape/size isn't so horribly different . . . I've been very hard on myself about the excess skin and fat stores.

Somehow, I'm feeling better about it. Could be that I've been spending more face-time with real-life moms who can relate. Could be that I'm appreciating my return to previous fitness levels over return to previous clothing sizes (though my clothes are fitting, just not as well).

What's more interesting than how much I've gained/lost is my running. I made it to another group run this weekend! I already wrote about how much group runs rock. Yesterday I did 8.5 miles (others did 11 and even 18!) and felt great despite the heat and humidity.

I can't remember if I already wrote about my current racing/training plans. I'm in a bit of limbo. Not signed up for any events I intend to race this summer -- though I do plan to race a half in October.

Right now, it's all about maintenance.

I'm sticking with mileage between 20 and 30 miles a week split between 4 or 5 days, not 6 as I had initially tried. Too much. That's a pretty wild weekly range . . . and a roundabout way of explaining that I usually end up running around 25. Long runs these days are between 8 and 10 miles. I don't see a reason to go farther until later in the summer. Gives my body and mind a bit of rest.

I thought it was interesting when Emily mentioned that she still have pelvic floor pain after long runs. Though I wouldn't classify what I'm experiencing as "pain" -- I certainly have discomfort after my runs longer than 8 miles. Again, nothing that hurts -- just aching. Any other running mamas experience this? Does it go away?

Speaking of discomfort: When we were visiting NJ last week, I ran twice with Stephen. Each time a 10K. Each time, rife with HILLS. Usually I welcome some incline, but this was way more than I am used to. (I like hills, but not so sustained!) It left us both sore, but really impressed on me how I need to work on my core strength.

After the long downhill in our last run together, I felt more like THIS than the confident jogger I'm pretending to be in the first photo in this post.

I've neglected my mid-section in all of this returning to fitness. I see more planks in my future. Not just for running, but as Ada gets heavier and squirmier, I will need more stability to avoid back pain, which I am getting from a mixture of poor breastfeeding posture and lifting with my arms/back.

This month's stats:

Pushups: 50 (up from 45 -- but I am sticking with this max from now on)
Situps: 30 (down from 33 -- to be honest, I didn't do situps this month, just this test!)
Pullups: 2 (Up from 1. YES!)

Goals this month: a.) Run a mile in under 7 minutes. b.) Focus on core strength with planks, pushups, etc. c.) Run with a group at least once a week.

I'm behind on sharing all the Writing Chapter Three post with you all!
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