Food for Runners: C-U-C-U-M-B-E-R-S

>> Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today we're focusing on the health benefits of a food I don't particularly enjoy: Cucumbers. Stephen loves them, though, so this post goes out to him. Well, and it was inspired by him because . . .

. . . he made pickles! (Using the method in Put 'Em Up!)

Anyway, health benefits of cucumbers for runners:

"Cucumbers are an excellent source of fiber . . . what makes cucumbers a good choice for fiber is that they have the naturally occurring water that should accompany fiber intake . . . When you eat cucumbers, you increase your fiber and your water intake at the same time." (Source)

We runners love antioxidants: "Cucumbers are a valuable source of conventional antioxidant nutrients including vitamin C, beta-carotene, and manganese. Fresh extracts from cucumber have been shown to provide specific antioxidant benefits, including increased scavenging of free radicals and increased overall antioxidant capacity." (Source)

"Cucumbers can best be stored sealed in shrink foil. Sealing a cucumber increases its shelf life considerably." (Source)

But there are many more things to do with cucumbers besides pickling. Here are some of our favorite recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner:

David, Luise, and Elsa's Very Green Juice (Cucumbers, kiwi, apple, mint, ginger)
Dawn's Thai Breakfast Sandwich w/ cucumber
Lauren's Cucumber-Basil Spritzers
Monika's Chilled Cucumber-Yogurt Soup
Yum Sugar's Asian Tomato-Cucumber Salad
The Kitchn's Spicy Korean Cucumber Salad
Aimee's Cucumber-Basil Bites
Kristy's Carrot Cashew Pâté Cucumber Canapé
Our try at Tassajara Pungent Cucumbers
Deborah's Chilled Cucumber-Mango Soup with Mint
Ashley's Raw Veggie Collard Wrap w/ cucumber
Jasmine's Stuffed Cucumber Kimchi (omit fish sauce)
Stephanie's Cucumber-Chili Mexican Popsicles

Though I don't love cucumbers myself, I do have a favorite way to consume them. Cucumber water! When we got married, we took a mini-honeymoon to the Mirbeau Inn & Spa in Skaneateles, NY. They have cucumber water everywhere, and I love it. So much.

Here's instructions on how to make it via Huffington Post.

Don't forget to read up on these other healthy ingredients:

Food for Runners: B-A-N-A-N-A-S
Food for Runners: G-A-R-L-I-C
Food for Runners: Q-U-I-N-O-A
Food for Runners: K-A-L-E
Food for Runners: B-E-R-R-I-E-S
Food for Runners: E-G-G-S

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