Giving Thanks: Veggie Meal Maker
>> Friday, August 10, 2012
Happy Friday night! I can't believe we've already been home from vacation for nearly a week. The summer is speeding by. Anyway, just wanted to hop on here quickly to announce the latest giveaway winners and to give thanks to one of our sponsors, Veggie Meal Maker.
Oh, yeah. I've been working on some veggie photography for the occasion, too. I'm trying my best to keep my camera charged and save the iPhone photos for rainy days.
If you didn't catch our last post, Veggie Meal Maker is an online mom & pop shop focused on saving you time and money -- all while helping you plan healthy, vegetarian/vegan meals. The service allows you to create weekly menus, browse delicious recipes, and create automatic shopping lists.
Check it out . . .
Sound cool? We think so. Consider taking a tour or even signing up for a FREE 30-day trial.
Better yet, the Petersons (Nick, Shae, and adorable baby Paisley) have been generous enough to offer (never home)maker readers a special discount via code "NHM" until August 18th, which earns you 50% off.
You can follow Veggie Meal Maker on Facebook or chat with them on Twitter.
I'm especially excited to follow the Peterson's daily life -- on blog Livin' Lightly -- as they trek across the country in their airstream, living a "simple and sustainable existence that makes time & room for whats (most) important while tossing the rest!"
Thank you, Veggie Meal Maker, for sponsoring (never home)maker, we're proud to have you!
Congrats to Courtney, winner #1, who writes: "I have so many recipe cards/links online that it's overwhelming, and I usually end up not menu planning . . . this would be so helpful!" and Michelle, winner #2, who writes: "One of my biggest victories was opening myself up to creating sauces. Once I learned to create sauces, I could quickly and easily stir fry (or roast) some veggies, make some quinoa/soba noodles, and toss in the sauce."
(If you're interested, you can click here to see what they've won.)
I can't wait to share with you a delicious and easy beet salad recipe. Our CSA has been providing us with so many beets! I can't get enough of 'em, so it's fantastic.
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