What to Say Thursday

>> Thursday, September 13, 2012

I must admit that my attention is divided this week. I'm in the midst of opening up my own small photography business locally -- so I've been researching all things sole proprietorship. Much more complicated than I originally thought, but certainly doable.

I've been taking photos for friends and family for years. It's what I love doing most. So, it's very exciting for me to take this step, even if it is only on the side. I spent this afternoon coming up with a snazzy pricing sheet.

What else. Hm . . . Well, between dentist appointments (no cavities!), deal-finding, and stripping cloth diapers, I haven't done much cooking this week. At least not of any blogging significance.

I did bake a batch of mini pumpkin muffins. Let's take a step back. I had this great idea for a completely sugar and sugar-substitute free muffin. One that would be suitable for Ada to munch on, too. I started mixing everything together only to realize that we were out of both baking soda AND baking powder.

Naturally, I forged ahead. Treated it as an experiment. A see-what-would-happen.

They turned out OK. What's exciting is that the taste was great without any sugar, stevia, maple syrup, honey, etc. But with no leavening agent, they aren't blog-worthy just yet. I need at least another go.

And definitely not Ada-approved.

Since I have nothing personally to offer in way of food, here are ten of my favorite recipes from my Pinterest.

I pin a lot of stuff, but rarely make my way to trying it. I am going to make a concerted effort to change this pattern by making at least two of these recipes in the next month. I learn a lot by making/trying other blogger's eats.

What recipes have you pinned and/or tried lately?

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