Running + Kathrine Switzer

>> Monday, February 25, 2013

I rarely write about running anymore.

I'd like that to change because my training is going well. Plus, most common questions streaming into my inbox are running-related because so much of what I used to write was dedicated to miles + races. Remember that? Yeah. We have a whole Running section on our site.

So, I thought I might start a weekly update on what I'm doing for training these days, etc.

Sound good?

Here's last week's at-a-glance from Daily Mile:

M: 2 mile treadmill at 7:45/mile + kettlebells/squats
T: Off + Jillian yoga
W: 5.5 easy miles around the neighborhood
T: 4 mile treadmill run in 32:30 w/ kettlebells + squats
F: Totally off
S: 3.5 miles easy
S: 10.3 miles w/ a buddy at 8:33/mile

25 total miles for the week, which is what I'm trying to do these days. Once the weather warms, I think I'll hit 30 miles more regularly. A lot is dictated by how much ice is on the sidewalks, since I really don't love treadmill running. I didn't do as much cross-training as I'd like, so I'm hoping to get in the pool at least once.

Also looking through my archives this morning, I discovered that the vast majority of running information I heed has been written by men. And that's all fine and dandy because Hal Higdon rocks my socks off and all. But I thought it'd be nice to collect some advice and training plans written by great women runners, since I'm sure many of you reading this post right now are of the female persuasion.

There are so many, so this feature will be ongoing. Today I'm featuring Kathrine Switzer, the first women ever to enter the Boston Marathon, because I've seen her speak at the Boilermaker 15K + just recently saw her in the documentary Run For Your Life.

If you are a female runner -- no, a runner of ANY persuasion -- this photo is likely familiar:


Kathrine was born in Germany, grew up in Fairfax County, VA, and later attended Syracuse University for journalism (Source). As I mentioned above, she broke the gender barrier in the 1967 Boston Marathon -- she was also women's winner of the 1974 NYC Marathon, among many other awesome running accomplishments, and was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in October 2011 for "creating positive global social change" (Source).

In her own words:

"If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon.” from 26.2: Marathon Stories

"There is an expression among even the most advanced runners that getting your shoes on is the hardest part of any workout”

Quick Tips:
  • Record every run; it keeps you honest and it’s motivating
  • Only have 10 minutes; That’s better than no minutes, so get going
  • Missed a workout? Don’t feel guilty, just start again
  • More . . . 

Adventures in Feministory: First Woman to Run the Boston Marathon (Bitch Magazine)
The Pioneer: Kathrine Switzer (Runner's World)
Boston 1967: When Marathons Were Just for Men (BBC News)
Kathrine has also authored a variety of books about women's running

Above is Kathrine running the NYC Marathon in a tennis dress (Image Source). Guess skirts aren't such a recent fad after all! Speaking of the city -- we're planning to visit first week of April. At least that's what's in the works right now.

Where are your favorite running spots and/or local spots? Kid-friendly spaces, too. We've done the tourist thing throughout our lives, so we'd like to delve deeper.

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