High School Skinny
>> Tuesday, June 4, 2013
I passed this copy of Woman's World magazine in line at Wegmans over the weekend and, uhm, my jaw literally dropped.
Lose an inch a day!
Melt off 14 lbs a week!
Where to begin?
Well, first of all, what does "high-school skinny" even mean? At the ripe age of almost-30, should I be wanting to shop the juniors department or dELiA*s catalog again and try to squeeze myself into a teeny size 1 dress like I wore at my graduation . . . after a year of not-terribly-uncommon-to-teenage-girls disordered not-eating?
And some of you on Instagram noted that the only way to lose 14 pounds in a week is to lose a limb in the process.
As in: Not effing possible. No way.
Truth: I have a few pounds I'd like to lose. I think a lot of us do. I've been pretty lazy about it, too, blaming my waning metabolism which started around age 25. And then the pregnancy. And then nursing. I know that way of thought isn't going to do me any good in the long run, and I'm finally making action on it.
If I REALLY wanted, I could probably get them off in 6 months with good eating habits and a bit more exercise. Or apparently by following this plan for just half a week.
Like I said, I could write a lot about this so-called health article.
But I'd love to know YOUR thoughts.
Is this insane or is it just me? And why is media CONTINUING to perpetuate these unrealistic "ideals" . . . in quotes because I'd much rather have a couple extra pounds than look like my 14-year-old, could-easily-be-mistaken-for-a-12-year-old-boy self.
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