Lumpy Bumps

>> Monday, July 15, 2013

Hi! My name is Ashley. But you already know that.

I run 30 miles a week most weeks and consider myself a relatively active person in general.
You probably know that, too.

In the past decade, my weight has fluctuated between 117 pounds and 132. (The former eating mostly Lean Cuisines and 100 calorie Oreo packs and the latter, which is where I'm at currently, with more muscle, but also some sugar binges that need taming.)

I've lifted weights.
I've not lifted weights.
I've done yoga, cycled, and swam.
I've guzzled water and eaten clean foods.
I've taken time off + indulged my cravings.

And no matter what size or activity level I'm at . . . or fancy + expensive creams I use, I've had cellulite and stretch marks on my thighs since high school. I've now accepted that it's just a feature of my body that -- despite previously Herculean attemps to "fix" -- just isn't going to change.

Rather, I am accepting. It's a process.

Yup. Even here, at my thinnest the day after my wedding.

Yup. Even after running this marathon.

Anyway, I'm gearing up for two weeks at the shore. (Whoa that sounds like a lot. Teacher-families must make vacations into MEGA vacations since we can't take off during the year. It's our big hurrah!) Do entire days spent in my swimsuit all day sounds appealing to me? Definitely YES and definitely NO. But, like I said, I'm slowly accepting that cellulite isn't just a fact of my life, it's a shared experience with many.


This article got quite a lot of love on Facebook. I thought I'd share it here, too, because it helped me quite a bit with feeling better about my, uhm, situation: The Dirty Little Secret of the Female Athlete: Cellulite.

And this topic made me remember this gem. Can't believe it's 6 years old!

You don't want no drama. No, no drama no, no, no drama . . .

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