Chocolate + Walnut Breakfast Cake

>> Tuesday, March 4, 2014

It was Stephen's 30th birthday this weekend.

So, I figured: Why not eat cake for breakfast?

vegan recipe, refined sugar free

What you'll need . . .
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup cornmeal
  • 1 cup raw walnuts, pulsed into flour
  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar
  • 1/3 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup 15-minute applesauce

Method . . .
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease the inside of a standard bread pan (I used a glass one) and set aside.
  2. Then in a large bowl, whisk together your dry ingredients.
  3. Then mix in all the wet ingredients until everything is well moistened.
  4. Pour batter into prepared baking sheet and bake for 45-55 minutes. Until center is set and edges start to pull away from the sides of the pan.
  5. Let cool a while before serving with delicious, healthy toppings.


To make an AM-hours frosting, just combine a quarter to third cup of Greek yogurt with about a tablespoon of creamy peanut butter and a dash of vanilla extract. That's all you'll need. Then top off with some fresh fruit!

You'll want cake for breakfast every single day.

(And, yeah. This is from day #3.)

Please tell me you'll try this recipe!

Or perhaps you'd rather try some Tangerine Breakfast Cookies.

Or maybe some of my personal favorite: Chocolate Peanut Butter Breakfast Cookies.

(You're welcome.)

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