Fresh Orange Wakeup Smoothie

>> Monday, March 24, 2014

We had some spring snowfall overnight last night with more on the way in a day. Regardless, I'm feeling like I need some color in my life, and this protein-packed smoothie is a jolt of healthy morning energy without caffeine or added sugar.

Also, I made it entirely with inexpensive ingredients from Aldi!

Makes two 12 ounce servings at approx. 19 grams of protein each

What you'll need . . . 
  • 1-1/2 cups plain non-fat Greek yogurt
  • 1-1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 3-4 seedless mandarin oranges (or 1 large orange)
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract (optional)
Method . . .
  1. Peel oranges and try to remove as much of the pulp as possible. 
  2. Combine all ingredients in your blender (or I had better luck pulverizing the pulp in my food processor) and blend until smooth. 
  3. Pour into two 12 ounce servings and enjoy.


The very first time I made this smoothie I was frustrated because the pulp was in thick clumps and got stuck in the straw. So, I just made sure the next couple times to blend longer than I would other smoothies. I haven't had a problem since. We have a Ninja Blender and a Cuisinart Food Processor, for reference. I'm sure a pricey Vitamix would blend with zero issues.

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