8/52: I Heart You

>> Thursday, February 26, 2015

After a snow day on actual Valentine’s Day and a week off for New York’s winter recess, Ada brought home a huge bag of treats today from her classmates. Can I also just say -- WOW -- I’m happy school is back in session? Ada not only loves her teachers and classmates, but she also depends on school to get out her limitless energy and enthusiasm.

A mama can only do so much when shut in for months at a time.

We have m.a.j.o.r cabin fever.

And I was extremely relieved to see that we weren’t the only family that did store-bought cards. Pressure OFF. Actually, everyone bought their cards and stuck lollypops, stickers, temporary tattoos, and other tiny trinkets in them. We passed around some superhero cards with tiny bags of m&ms. Simple. I admire all the awesome V-day cards and projects I see on Pinterest, but Ada has almost 20 kids in her class. That just wasn’t going to fly.

Some things about preschool these days:

// We have to register for pre-K, like, soon! We got the paperwork today. I can’t believe next year Ada will be going to school five mornings a week. We’re still very much split on if we’ll send her to full kindergarten the following year. Our district has this great early-K program (if it can survive budget cuts), and we’re thinking it might be a good option since Ada’s birthday is only 14 days before the cutoff.

// I’m starting to hear more about what actually goes on at school. Ada’s quite secretive about her activities. I know today she played with red rice in the sensory bins. She enjoyed snack time (but I have no idea what she ate). And she did an Ariel puzzle. I’ve also learned she mostly plays with the same girl and two other boys. Her little clique, I guess.

// Since starting preschool, Ada’s picked up new words and language -- obviously. But it’s always so funny hearing her say something new. Like today I asked if she had a Valentine’s party, and she quickly quipped “Well, actualllllly, mom -- it wasn’t exxxxactly a party because Valentine’s Day was a long time ago.” And the words actually and exactly just sound so silly because she emphasizes them, so I can tell she’s modeling it after what she’s been hearing.

// I can also see a huge difference in Ada since the beginning of the year. She gets the routine now. She rushes down the hall to the right classroom, takes off her coat and hat, hangs stuff in her cubby, and she goes right over to grab a book and sit in the starting circle.

Is this your child’s first year at preschool?

What kinds of changes have you seen from the start of school until now? (Just for fun, here’s Ada on her first day!) It’s pretty incredible what the teachers do with them. How they learn and grow. I’m so proud of Ada and all the progress she’s made from being my tiny newborn to my tipsy toddler to my big girl preschooler. Slow down, time!

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