Do You Snack?

>> Thursday, July 9, 2015

Do you guys snack? Or do some of you never eat between meals? I find this whole issue incredibly interesting. I have friends who swear by eating several (5+) small meals per day and others who say their weight and energy is better when they eat just breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I am a regular snacker. I always have been. And with my recent diet changes, I definitely feel like it’s not how often you eat -- but what you eat that matters most. I always knew it . . . but I actually feel it. For example, when I start my day with a huge bagel or stack of syrup-covered French toast, I tend to crave sugar all my waking hours. If I can eat eggs or greens or something otherwise savory, I fare much better.

None of this is new information for most of you, I’m sure. It’s funny how you can “know” so much about diet and exercise, but still fall prey to bad habits. With snacking, I always stuck to sweeter stuff. Carbs, mostly. Quick energy lifters. In the last couple months, I’ve tried doing more nut butters, chopped veggies, bean dips, hardboiled eggs, and low-carb, low-sugar alternatives. It seems to be working in the short-term, since I’ve lost a couple pounds, but I’m still left wondering if I can keep it up.

Now, snacking isn’t universally accepted as a great way to stay slim and healthy. A recent study revealed that 41 percent of respondents actually skipped dinner to eat only snacks at least once in a 30-day period. And often snacks are used to satisfy cravings, so that’s usually not cravings of the healthiest choices on the menu. What’s more, though snacking is often used to help regular appetite and energy, it might actually contribute to overeating and excess calorie consumption in the long run.

Hmmmm . . .

How do you approach snacking?

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