Country Store Essentials
>> Monday, October 3, 2016
My mom and I went to the sweetest little farm store over the weekend. It's only 10 minutes from my house, but it was my very first visit! Stephen and I have these grand visions of moving to the country. Someday we will, I just know it. But the timing is off and Ada's loving her new school, etc. Still, I love dreaming about having an acre or two, an old barn, chickens, and the whole shebang.
How perfect is this place?
I thought it'd be fun to replicate my shopping experience for you.
Each and every corner of this place was packed with the most wholesome ingredients (including the farm's produce!), cozy home accents, and other country fare. I filled my canvas bag pretty full with decorative gourds, dry soup mix, apple turnovers, and a block of NY maple cheddar.
Hope you enjoyed our little jaunt into the country today. I already need to head back to this place to get more of that maple cheddar. It was absolutely perfect in a batch of cheesy apple cider biscuits I made to go with some slow cooker potato + leek soup for supper last night. Yes. I just typed supper. I'm from the mountains of Pennsylvania, after all. Anyway, those recipes are coming later this week.
So, stay tuned!