>> Monday, November 21, 2016

So, we knew a bit of snow was coming our way late last week. But yesterday afternoon, it kicked up a notch. We thought we'd get maybe 2-6 inches. This morning? We woke up with 16 inches on the ground and the promise for a few more. Crazy, right? Last year, I think the total snowfall for the season was a measly 4 inches or something sad like that. Ada didn't have a single snow day.

We're making up for lost time:

We started out the morning with a pancake breakfast. Stephen's off from school, so I let him sleep in with Eloise (which is a story for another day. The babe has been wide awake from 11:30 pm - 3:30 am the last several days. HELP ME!). Then I let her do some experiments with snow and food coloring.

I was still groggy. This is very messy!

Here's our backyard:

I couldn't resist taking a (very!) quick photo of Eloise out in her first snowfall.

I have some Ethiopian cabbage going in the slow cooker right now. We'll probably eat that with naan for dinner tonight. It smells amazing. I may walk to the drug store to pick up some milk so we can make snow ice cream. And hot cocoa.

Oh, and today is definitely a treadmill day. My running buddy and I are back at it after a month-long hiatus. We ran a 7-miler two weekends ago and an 8-miler on Saturday when the temperatures were like spring and the sun was just beaming. Glad we did that when we did! My max on the treadmill is about three miles. But at least I can watch some Fixer Upper.

Hope you're all having a great day. As promised, I'll be back soon with the rest of the gift lists and some Thanksgiving food!

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