Blog Love: January 2010 -- Share your blog on (never home)maker
>> Sunday, January 3, 2010

Well the sunshine is gone and the temps are chilly, but it isn't all bad news. In fact, it's that time again!!! Time for BLOG LOVE. Last month's was a great start -- if you want to check it out, here's the December Blog Love page. Basically, blog love here on (never home)maker is a way to get a quality reading list for the month. And I'm smitten with it.
Want to participate? Here's how . . . (and PS: if you added your blog last month -- feel MORE than free to add it again!)
Just click below to enter your NAME, BLOG NAME, and BLOG ADDRESS (or website, or Flickr account, whatever web-way your express yourself -- note: adult & inappropriate sites will be removed), and it'll be shared on this post for all those other (never home)makers to see. Also: If you're reading this post from your favorite feed reader, you'll need to hop onto -- the list won't show up unless you're on the site.
It's that easy! So, don't be shy! Share away . . . and if you've got friends who blog, send 'em this way. My goal is to get together a nice list for everyone to check out during this chilly month.
Pssst: You have until January 10th, then the list is closed until the next Blog Love Fest in February.

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