FAQ Post: Whadduhyawannaknow?
>> Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pssst: Now's your chance!
I'll admit. We're not too terribly interesting. But if you have something you want to know about running, racing, healthy eating, not-so healthy eating, vegetarian and vegan cooking or baking, decorating, DIY projects, kitchen essentials, budget-friendly ways of living, or even about us -- ASK AWAY! We'll be writing up a FAQ post in the near future with some questions we've already received via email (over at neverhomemaker@gmail.com) . . . and we'd love to add your own burning questions to the mix . . . and then share our "wisdom" on your topics.
Or you can simply leave a comment. Either way, we'd love to help you out with anything from starting a running program and making a mean fondue to spiffing up your space and cooking/baking on a budget.
Or whatever else you care to ask. (For example: Maybe you see all our cat photos and wonder how we make all this great food . . . and yet don't find ourselves coughing up hairballs. *cough* right?)
And if you want to challenge us in the kitchen, post what you'd like to see us try. Just today, a beloved reader (Lauren) asked about how to make vegetarian marshmallows. And now we're going to find time to research and create 'em for you all.
So just EMAIL US or leave a comment, and we'll be glad to get right back to you with an answer post!

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