Something for Nothing: Our First Giveaway (x3)
>> Monday, January 11, 2010

We're psyched to say that we've gotten lazy (perhaps a bit like Rivey, above) with our first giveaway post . . . we originally set it to go out when we had reached 250 subscribers. This morning -- we're happy to report that 326 of you folks from across the world are digging our little blog. And we're, well, slightly overwhelmed! Thank you, dedicated readers! Some of you have even emailed us and asked some great questions. So a FAQ post is in the works . . . to be released soon-ish.
Anyway -- back to our first Something For Nothing Giveaway. And it's times THREE since we waited so long and have since far exceeded our milestone. As most of you know, we recently opened the (never home)maker Print Shop over on Etsy. In honor of this new gig, our giveaway will feature three of our favorite 8x10 prints from the shop . . . one for each winner.



Looking to snag up these pretty prints? Entering isn't hard -- and selection will be at random (using Tara's Random Number Generator). Here's the scoop:
- THE GOODS: One of three high-quality prints from the (N H)M Print Shop. "Blue" or "Winter" or "Afternoon" . . . :)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post and indicate which print you'd like best.
- IN ADDITION: Pretty please won't you tell us what you like best (or want to see more of?) on (never home)maker???
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Thursday, January 14th at 9:00PM EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: USA only (I'm sorry -- I know many of you are from Canada and beyond . . but USA only for now, we're working on it...)
- ALSO: To win, I need your email address -- so please provide it (or your blog link so I can find it -- just some way of contacting you). One entry per email address is allowed. The winners will be selected using Tara's Random Number Generator (then I'll go through and make sure I get one person for each photo) and announced Friday morning.
Some other bits of information in a handy YES/NO format:
- Yes -- the winners will totally be random. There will be NO favoritism, mom.
- No -- you need not subscribe or follow us on twitter to win. Though, it'd certainly be nice if you'd consider. As well, you don't need to mention our giveaway on your blogs or in your tweets -- though, if you feel like it, we won't stop you! :)
- No -- you need not purchase anything at the Print Shop to win. Period.
- Yes -- we reserve the right to change the rules at any time (though we likely won't need to) as well as to choose winners (though still totally at random) as we see fit and fair.
- Yes -- if you have additional questions, you can shoot us an email at
***UPDATE: Thanks everyone who has participated so far! I've noticed I don't have contact info for some of you (Blogger profiles that aren't working, etc.). SO, for this first giveaway, you MUST check back Friday morning to see if you've won. That way, those people who haven't provided contact info can still be in the running. For those of you reading this who haven't yet entered, please be sure I have some way of contacting you from your comment :) THANKS! ***
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