Top of the Muffin to You!
>> Tuesday, January 12, 2010

(Psssst: If you haven't checked out our first giveaway yet -- head over there now!)
I watch too much Seinfeld . . . I meant no insult :) But today's morning recipe is a hearty muffin top that might help, well, keep yours at bay. I created these babies by accident. One rainy Saturday morning before a run, I knew I'd need something sustaining to get me through the day.
Here's the story: I tried making scones, and I think with all my vegan substitutions, the consistency changed along the way. OK. I don't think so, I know so. But it's one of my favorite mistakes. They turned out more like a cookie, but really a muffin (as you can see above) . . . so I've decided to call them muffin tops.
My muffin top is all that.
Whole grain, low fat.
I know you want a piece of that,
But I just wanna dance.
30 Rock moment. And I'm back! Muffin top: Seriously, people. Isn't that always the best part of the muffin? Darn right it is!

I originally made this recipe with homemade pear sauce I cooked up using some local pears that were gifted to me. However, this is (never home)maker . . . and we don't always have time to make our very own, from-scratch ingredients. You can use unsweetened applesauce from the grocery store. Maybe canned pumpkin? Or perhaps if you're into the Deceptively Delicious cookbook, you have some other fancy puree just waiting to be plopped into a batter.
What you'll need . . .
- 3 cups wheat pastry flour
- 1/2 teaspoon coarse kosher salt
- 4 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 cup raw sugar
- 1/4 cup cold butter substitute (I use Earth Balance)
- 1+ cup frozen mixed berries (or fresh, but I originally bought raspberries for this recipe, and they were already moldy!!!)
- 14 tablespoons pear sauce (see recipe below OR use unsweetened applesauce)
- 2 large bananas (350 grams) -- mashed
- 1/2 cup crushed walnuts (or however much you'd like to add)
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon

Method . . .
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
- Combine the dry ingredients (the first five on the list).
- In a bowl, cut the butter substitute into crumbles the size of peas and add mixed berries. Mix well.
- In another bowl, combine pear or applesauce with mashed bananas. Then add this mixture to the dry ingredients.
- Mix gently . . . and then add the fruit/butter substitute mixture . . . and then the crushed walnuts. Combine fully and add cinnamon.
- Drop heaping spoonfuls (like making LARGE cookies) onto a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake for approximately 15 minutes.

The best part is something Stephen discovered all on his own: These puppies pop right into the toaster . . . Well, that, and they happen to be extremely healthy -- providing long-lasting energy to you for hours and hours. And did I mention that walnuts are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids? (Why is this important to vegans and vegetarians?)
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