Friday Things

>> Friday, October 12, 2012

It's legit cold here today. Like 40 degrees with blustery winds. The leaves are flying everywhere. Our little heater is working wonders. Just one more week until we get our very adult Christmas present: a brand-spankin' new furnace. I hate to turn the heat on before November anyway.

But. Well. I saw snowflakes! That's early. Even for us.

We'll be fine, though. Next week is supposed to bring warmer temperatures. To cozy up in the meantime, I made myself a gigantic mugjarful of homemade chai. And I type "homemade" in the most serious of ways. I made the almond milk and the chai mix myself.

It sounds much more intensive than it actually was.

My friend Jacqui had passed along to me this method for making almond milk. Worked like a charm. The chai mix is a recipe I shared a couple years ago. Sweetened with a little maple syrup.

I warmed it on the stove. Whisked to get some froth.

Of course, feel free to make your own chai with store-bought milk and mix. Or just go get one made FOR you at your favorite coffee shop. Whatever you do, though, drink a warm beverage this weekend. Cider is next on my list.

Ada and I ventured out after her morning nap thanks to some advice we received on Writing Chapter Three.

We bundled ourselves in big sweaters and hit up the children's museum for some fun. Ada is still young and not quite walking, so she can't take full advantage of many of the displays. She loves looking in all the mirrors and playing in the "Under 3" room.

Hello! (Mommy is having a bad hair day.)

I've been picking at this dish of vegan brownies all day.

I tried my best to invent a new, lower-in-sugar recipe last night. They taste good, but not nearly as good as the Change-Your-Life vegan brownies I made a few years ago. If you choose to take on another homework assignment from me this weekend, I instruct you to make them.

You will not be disappointed.

Now I'm going to savor the rest of Ada's nap. I have about 20 minutes left. The heater is blasting at my feet. I've got a cat to keep me company.

This weekend includes an 8 mile long run (tapering for the half next weekend!), a photo shoot of two adorable sisters, and some alone time. For me. I need it!

Have a lovely weekend. (I haven't been sharing much from Writing Chapter Three -- so if you'd like to get caught up, head over there for stuff about Ada's first birthday, DIY baby booties, notes on getting out and about, and more.)

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