Running Recap
>> Monday, March 25, 2013
Here's last week in running. Definitely was a good one.
M: 3 easy miles (I was sick, but felt good to get out)
T: 3 treadmill miles at 8:30/mile + kettlebells and squats
W: 1 hour Ashtanga yoga DVD
R: 4 x 800s at 7:30 pace w/ warmup + recovery = 5 miles in 41 minutes
S: Tempo run -- 4 miles at 7:57/mile = 32 minutes
S: 15K + extra miles to add up to a long run of 12 at 8:16/mile = 1:40
= 27 miles total
This week I committed to running actual speed and tempo workouts outdoors. I have always been intimidated by these types of runs. I would dread and dread them . . . and now I know why. I set the paces too fast! Trying to do sub 7-min mile pace for whatever reason. Too hard!
So I worked with Stephen to slot the appropriate times down for my half pace goal of 7:55/mile. Surprisingly, these runs were difficult, but not at all impossible. I'm hoping they pay off, but I did start them late in the training cycle. We'll see, I guess!
I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get in my mile swim, but that's just icing on the cake.
I had originally intended to run yesterday's race as an actual race. Try to dip under 1:13 and PR for the 15K. But I had two things going: 1.) I am still recovering from a chest cold and have been getting coughing fits after hard efforts 2.) I haven't run more than 10 miles at a time since October and, with my half marathon is fast approaching, I wanted to run 12 miles, not race 9.3.
So, a half mile or so in, I settled in with some of my running buddies, and we decided to run as a comfortably hard long run. It was awesome to chat throughout the course, take our time at water stops, and finish with huge smiles on our faces despite some hills at the end. Our time was 1:16:59 (8:16/mile), not a second longer.
Stephen did great, though, and set a new PR of 52:32 (5:39/mile) + came in third overall.
Otherwise, this weekend Stephen played shoe matchmaker for me (it's been 6 months -- my shoes are dead!) and -- for once in the past 2+ years -- they aren't Nike Frees. I still love that shoe, but with marathon training on the horizon, I wanted something minimal . . . but with more cushioning.
So, I got the Saucony Virrata.
I haven't run in them (planning to do a slow three later today), so I'm not sure if I'm keeping 'em yet. But I hope to do a review soon if they agree with me. If you'd like to read more about them, Michele (NYC Running Mama) did a review recently.
How was your last week in workouts? Anyone run a race or PR this weekend?
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