Weekend Things

>> Friday, March 22, 2013

I missed my yoga class Wednesday in an unfortunate incident involving a battery + ER visit. I'll share the story next week -- everything is completely fine, by the way. Still, I needed a good, non-running workout. Jillian Yoga has been great, but I never feel the stretch/relaxation I crave. I treat that DVD more like body weight strength training.

I suppose the relaxation part is hard, too, when a nosy toddler is patting my butt during downward facing dog.

// Yoga: I found it! //
So, yeah. I found the yoga DVD I've been looking for: Ashtanga by Gaiam
It's EXACTLY my old power yoga routine. Not hard, but not for beginners, as the title suggests.

I use a lot of herbs in cooking, but admittedly . . .
It's more experimentation than expert. This chart helps.

// Marathon Plan //
Thanks for your support with my fall marathon decision!
I'm nervous about injury. And some of you have asked . . . I'm being conservative.
I'm hoping to follow Hal Higdon's Novice 2 plan. 4 days running, 1 x-training.

// Food, food, FOOD!!! //
I have SO many new recipes to share with you over the upcoming weeks.
In the meantime, here are my culinary picks on Pinterest, general and gluten-free.

// Watch it //
I've been using Stephen's Garmin 210 for months. I need my own watch.
Trying to choose between the sleek Garmin 10 + newer but $$$ Garmin 610.

// Pandora's Lunchbox //
I happened upon a great piece on "how processed food took over the American meal."
Here's Part 1 (interview w/ Melanie Warner) + Part 2 (truth about soy protein).

// Undecorate //
I don't have the book, but I saw it when I browsed through the home section at B&N this week.
Even just the word "undecorate" got me thinking. It's now my mantra for spring cleaning.

// Pack It Up //
I'm at WAHM/SAHM, and yet I still pack a lunch. Is that weird?
Here are some great packed lunch ideas + a gorgeous bento box gallery.

// Fashion Week //
I was surprised that you guys like my (frugal) fashion picks!
This week, I'm digging striped dresses, colorful canvas totes, and crochet Toms.

// That's Sharp(ie) //
Wow. Sharpie Easter eggs. What could be easier than that?
I love these colorful, naturally dyed eggs, too.

// Technical Note //
I changed the way you visit links on this site in response to suggestions.
Now links open new windows. Please let me know if this works well for you or not.

And here's what else you may have missed on Writing Chapter Three:

Have a great weekend!

Psst: You can check out more Weekend Things here + here + here + here + here + here + here + here.

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