Steamed Pesto Dumplings
>> Wednesday, July 3, 2013
So, I thought I'd give you guys some ideas for what to do with all that Garlic Scape Pesto you might have in your fridges/freezers. Actually, we've been modifying that basic recipe + subbing in other greens, like spinach, and we have quite a bit on hand these days.
This means pesto EVERYTHING -- from simply slathering it on toast to incorporating it into more complex recipes like this one . . .
Adapted from our Basic Vegetable Dumplings
What you'll need . . .
for the crust:
1-1/2 cups organic white flour
1/2 to 3/4 cup Garlic Scape Pesto
Water -- see directions
for filling:
A few white mushrooms
1 small onion
1 small zucchini or other squash*
1 teaspoon red curry paste
* Really, you can cook up any veggies you have around the fridge.
- Mix together your dough by combining the flour + pesto. Depending on the moisture level of your pesto (I used the vegan version of this pesto), you'll need more or less water. So, be careful to add water one tablespoon at a time until the dough is nice + elastic, but not sticky. Then roll into a ball, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 2 hours.
- When you're ready to make the dumplings, take dough out of the fridge and plastic wrap and divide into 8 to 10 equal pieces. Set aside.
- Make your veggie filling by chopping them into small bits + cooking the vegetables in a tablespoons of olive oil over medium-high heat. When the onions are glassy, add in the curry paste (or whatever seasonings you have on hand). Then let cool to room temperature before putting into the dumplings.
- Roll out each piece of dough into an oblong shape about 2" x 3"-4". It doesn't really have to be technical. Just big enough to fit in a heaping tablespoon of filling and then close again.
- Fill dumplings one by one, folding over and creasing after each one is completed. Continue with the rest of the dumplings.
- We cooked ours in a large pot with about an inch of water at the bottom and a steam basket. Covered. For about 10-15 minutes. (For more detailed instructions, check out this site.)
- Let cool completely before eating. They even store great in the refrigerator, too.
I enjoyed them best the day after. Yeah, I like them steamed, but I also heated some sesame oil over medium-high heat and fried them until golden brown + served with a honey-soy sauce.
They COMPLETELY remind me of the dumplings we can buy for a premium $$$ at our favorite natural foods grocer. I am also thinking it'd be great to make up a big batch, steam, and then freeze them. I'll let you know how they turn out!
Have a great holiday! I'll be back soon with more recipes.
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