5-Minute Whole Wheat Naan // Cooking Video

>> Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hey, guys! Another cooking video today -- this time I'm making a variation for one of our more popular recipes, stove-top naan. Or I guess I should write "naan" because it's not traditional by any means, but it's a great, quick flatbread recipe that is tasty, easy, and inexpensive.

I made this particular batch with whole wheat flour and Greek yogurt. It's my favorite mix yet. I'd say we eat this simple bread every week, at least one night if not two. It goes great with Curried Chickpea Mash, Chana Masala, or even just some homemade hummus.


What you'll need . . . 

  • 1-1/2 cups whole wheat flour (I used King Arthur)
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/4-1/2 cup water
  • Pinch salt

Method . . .

I hope this video is helpful with the process of putting this recipe together! Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm obviously still working on technique, so I appreciate your understanding!

* Also note that after I turn up the heat ALL THE WAY on the pan, I do usually end up turning it down to medium, as I use the largest burner on my oven. You need the pan hot, but adjust accordingly depending on how dark you want your naan.

Tomorrow I'll be back with a super slow cooker recipe made entirely from my frugal Aldi foods!

Have you tried any of our "naan" recipes? What's your favorite pairing?

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