Food, Fitness, Family

>> Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I get a lot of requests for portable + packable meal and snack options. I used to write a lot more about this kind of stuff when I worked my desk job. Eating well on the go is tough business. So, I thought I might try to bring some of that bake into the blog. This week, I’ll start by simply sharing what Stephen brings for snacks and lunch on a typical work day.

Like this:

I try to make grab-and-go stuff that we can all enjoy, which is why you see a variation of the Nut Butter Energy Chunks. I also always boil a dozen eggs each week because they’re super healthy and easy to eat on the run. And we’ve been making a lot of Avocado Egg Salad lately. Last, every Sunday I made a slow cooker soup. This week it was one of our favorites: Miso Split Pea Soup . . . with lentils in place of the split peas.

I’ll dedicate a whole post to Stephen’s lunches sometime soon.


Running has been tough in the last week due to snow and cold. I’m happy I’ve been sticking close to my 20 mile a week goal regardless. I’ve been leaning heavily into the cross-training I can do from home, which has meant bringing out the spinning bike, skis, and Barre workouts more than hitting the pavement.

(PS: Some of you are wondering what equipment is needed to do Barre workouts at home. I use a standard yoga mat, a set of 2 pound weights, a waist-high surface -- which is Ada’s trampoline, and occasionally a yoga strap. I’m considering purchasing a ball like the Barre3 ball.)

I love that I can workout indoors, but I am also getting sick of working out indoors. I’m at the point where I’d OK with running in the cold and snow, but I’d sure love just ONE 50+ degree sunny day a week. Or a treadmill so I could feel what it’s like to run in shorts again. I know I’ll be complaining about the summer heat soon enough, though!

Week 1: 21 miles

M: 5 mile run, 30 minutes Barre
T: 4 mile run, 30 minutes Barre
W: 60 minutes Barre
T: 4 mile run, 30 minutes Barre
F: 3 mile run
S: 5 mile run, X-Country Ski 30 minutes, 40 minutes Barre

Week 2: 15.5 miles

M: X-County Ski 45 minutes, 40 minutes Barre
W: 30 minutes spinning bike, 30 minutes Barre
T: 4.5 mile run
F: 10 minutes Barre, 2 mile run
S: 5 mile run, 30 minutes Barre
S: 4 mile run


I’m so excited for this week to be over.

No, really!

We had a great snow day yesterday, but Stephen actually has the first of his spring breaks coming up next week. A whole week off! We had planned to try and go somewhere on a mini-vacation, but due to some unexpected changes in our finances, we decided to wait a few months. Regardless, there’s a lot we need to cram in, like Ada’s 6 month neuro follow-up in Syracuse. We’ll turn that into something fun because we learned she won’t need a sedation MRI -- YAHOO! -- when I found out, I basically threw a party. We’ll probably check out Trader Joe’s, hit up the mall (Ada loves the ropes course), and go somewhere to eat. Simple pleasures.

Next week will also be the end of my two week wait, and regardless -- I just want it to be over. In a silly way, I’m hoping I might be pregnant before all this infertility testing starts. I mean, a girl can dream, right? Some of you have asked if I plan on sharing the news when I get a positive sign. I’m not sure yet. We could still have a long time to go, so how I handle it isn’t as important to me right now as just living day by day and keeping positive that it will happen.

Peace out, Tuesday!

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