Thursday Tidbits

>> Thursday, September 15, 2016

Here's a fun + random post, because you guys have said you like these more than other things. Guess what! Me too!

#1: I'm on Snapchat now at neverhomemaker. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Today I'm talking a bit about our latest Aldi haul.

#2: And speaking of Aldi -- did you know they have a new line of baby products?

I picked a couple things up to try the last time I was there. I'll write more about our diapering situation soon, but we do disposables at night and cloth during the day. These diapers work wonderfully, and they're soft. Eloise hasn't had any rashes or issues with them. The wipes work just as well as my other kinds, too. I'm converted, because it's like $4.99 for 50 size one diapers!

#3: Other stuff I'm loving for baby lately:

#4: I got my volcanic rose leggings, and it's LOVE. They're my favorite yet. Stephen even complimented me on them. Might hop back on to order the broken dream catcher ones sometime soon.

Seriously. $12.


#5: New workout: Kettlebell upper body. I love this one. Simple + effective. I do most of it with my 10-pound kettlebell and I just got a 15-pound kettlebell yesterday. For some of the harder exercises, I use 5-pound dumbbells. I've done this video three times, and I'm already enjoying more toned arms.

#6: And speaking of workouts -- I ran 8 miles last weekend!

I've been running about 20 miles a week at between 8-10 minute pace. I haven't yet signed up for that November 10-miler race, and I might not. What I've learned in my long journey with running is that I don't need a medal to love the sport. In fact, I'd rather run when I want, when I feel like it, for however long I want, and at whatever pace feels good. And often that's slow and short . . . but sometimes it's fast and far.

That's all from me today. Off to finish some freelancing assignments!

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