Past Peak

>> Monday, October 24, 2016

This morning while Ada and I were waiting for the bus, we saw the most incredible rainbow. Many of the leaves have now fallen, but the colors looked amazing next to what's left of the fall foliage. Have you ever seen a rainbow in autumn? I hadn't. Definitely high up there on the experience list. I didn't snap a photo or anything. Some things just need to be experienced in the moment.

As the title suggests, we are now past the peak with all the leaves. Our backyard looked like this before the rainy, cold weekend. Now? Most of these leaves are waiting on the ground to be raked. But it's soggy outside, so I'll wait a while to even think about doing that sort of work.

In other news, the end of fall means the beginning of some home improvement stuff for us. Hooray! Stephen only has a couple weeks left of coaching until track starts in the spring. The outdoors will be calling us far less often when the cold and snow kick in. (Oh, please let there be snow this year. Please!)

And -- YES -- I know how trite shiplap walls have become. Or have been since like 2014. I know, I know. But guess what! We're installing them in our dining room right now (with the hope of extending to the living room by Christmas or so). I am immensely excited for this project. Our home is great for so many reasons, but it doesn't have much inherited character.

Here's the start:

Stephen went out and got everything at Home Depot, but I'm doing most of this project myself. The plywood "planks" are light enough for me to hold myself while I nail. And I'll have to let you know how it goes. So many tutorials instruct people to sand the planks impossibly smooth and to cover all the nail holes with putty.

When I look at the Gaines abode, I like their rustic look much better. Obviously what they have is original and well-worn. But I like to pretend. Plus, it'll be less work. That's always a plus.

See? Nobody was spacing those intricately with a nickel. Nope.

I'm sure shiplap will be the pine paneling of our time. In 40 years, it will look like the equivalent of this living room to all the younger folk. But I don't mind. I think it's fabulous. I can't wait to share the progress as we make our way through the first level.

Are you as obsessed with Fixer Upper as I am?

I know I've brought it up from time to time on this here blog. But the love is real. I bought the journal. I am buying the book. I am looking forward to my nursing sessions so I can catch up on last season. I even plotted a road trip to Waco, TX. I mean, we'll see on that last one. It's quite literally a day away (24 hour drive -- and I don't feel like flying after watching Sully. LOL!).

Hope you're having a great day. I'm off to finish some freelancing work before Eloise wakes from her first nap. More soon!

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