2017 + Poor Gal's Kombucha

>> Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy 2017! 

I actually recorded a YouTube video for y'all, but it won't upload. I have so much I want to share about my resolutions, stuff I'm trying out (Weight Watchers, the Leaf tracker, etc.), and Eloise's long-awaited crib transition. (The short of it: I got 8 hours of sleep last night!) Today, though, I want to share with you one of my new favorite drinks.

I call it the . . .


What you'll need . . . 

  • 1 tablespoon (or so) apple cider vinegar
  • 1 can sparkling water

// Pour ACV in a glass, pour sparkling water atop it, and enjoy. Stephen likes to add ice, by the way.

To me, this mix tastes almost exactly like my favorite kombucha -- but at a fraction of the cost. You can change up the flavor by using different sparkling waters. You could add some ginger or lemon to the mix. Oh, and this drink also has some possible health benefits. One of them is getting your digestion in better order.

Or it just tastes good. Whatever the case, I hope you try it out and let me know what you think! This apple cider vinegar drink is one of my new favorite foods/snacks/etc. I'll actually be back with a video with a few of my other favorites later in the week.

YES! TWO videos this week.

Can I keep up this pace? I'm not sure. My last video was about a year ago where I declared there'd be more video blogging in 2016. We all know how that went. But I give myself a pass because I was pregnant and all.

Anyway, I hope to be back soon with the first of two videos. If you want to see it sooner, subscribe to my YouTube channel! I also have a carrot soup recipe on tap for this week. Gotta love the new year motivation, right?

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