Weight Watchers + Other Goals

>> Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Here's that video I promised you! It's sort of dark because, well, it's raining and very cave-like in our area in January. But I'll chat first and then write a bit more down below.



So, yes. Weight Watchers. I don't really know why I decided to sign up. I think I should first mention that this post is in no way sponsored or affiliated with the program. I joined on my own. Actually, come to think of it -- I think I saw that Oprah recently lost weight and I went to read an article about it and ended up looking into the program.

Why did I sign up? I've done calorie counting with sites like MyFitnessPal and the like. But counting calories really tips my eating disorder stuff. Obviously, I know you're counting something different -- points -- with Weight Watchers. But something about it is better for me. The points are based on the nutritional value or food. It's not a perfect plan, and I'm still getting the hang of it. Like I mention in the video, I've only been on it for four days or so . . . I'll save a review for a month from now.

I actually started loosely following the WW app in the days after Christmas. I have lost two pounds already. My goal is 15 total. I can chat more about why I am looking at the scale another time. I know weight isn't everything. 

Half Marathon

I've done lots of half marathons. Nothing new or exciting there. But I'm hoping to get back into working out more regularly now that Eloise SEEMS to be sleeping better. We hit a rough patch after the initial newborn phase. I mean, in the summer? I was killing my workouts and feeling great. Then I didn't sleep for several months and, you know.

My only time goal is to finish in under two hours. But training for a specific pace might be too lofty for now. We'll see. There's actually a half marathon + 5K at the race I'm eyeing, so I may even try to go for that and run 16.2. I have another month to decide before the registration rates go up.


Or spirituality. Or something. I don't know. I haven't been a regular church-goer since my teens. I haven't regularly practiced yoga since my twenties. These two things aren't the same -- I get it. But there's a certain sense of calm and serenity that can go with each of them. I'm not sure how I feel about church . . . but I definitely feel there's something more in this world. I'm figuring it out even at the ripe age of 33.

Regardless, centering myself is something I neglect. I get all up on my energy and nervousness. Taking even 10 minutes to sit and breathe (prompted by my Leaf tracker) has been helpful -- especially before bed. I don't really know what to say about this goal right now. I'm still learning what exactly it means for me.

Those are some of my goals for this year. I'll be back with a soup recipe tomorrow AND my favorite foods for the month (another video!). You can actually check out that video now on my YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe if you want to see more updates as they are posted over there. I'm thinking I'll do a makeup routine one next. That is, if I can figure out better lighting!

What's on your goal list this year?

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