(never home)maker House Tour
>> Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's always fun to do a little house crashing, am I right? Well, we've got two tasty tours of our own space for your hungry eyes . . . right here on (never home)maker! See, besides cooking, baking, running, racing, and living the healthy life -- we really enjoy decorating our humble abode. We bought our home a little over 2 years ago. It's a modest 2-story -- tipping the square foot scales at just over 1200, with three bedrooms, 1 lonely bathroom, and a teeny kitchen.
Though it may not be glamorous, it's where we live. It's where we eat and sleep. It's where we write. It's where we create and take photos of all the good food you see on our site. So, don't be shy . . . just slip off your shoes and wander around for a while. We even cleaned the bathroom for you!

We feel we're always painting or ripping up carpeting. Really, since we moved in, we took this baby from the 1980s (and beyond) to our times . . . in no time at all. On our HOUSE TOUR, we take you room by room through our place. Sprinkled along the way are some handy links to how-to posts (how to rip up old carpeting, how to pick out paint color, how to hide clutter, etc.). It's always changing, so check out what it looks like right now!

Needless to say (or to write?), we spend the majority of our waking hours inside our TINY KITCHEN. We've had to come up with some creative (and not always expected) ways to use what we have. But we've been turning lemons into lemonade (and flour into bread, zucchini into soup, etc.) with some major success for a while now. We were even featured on Apartment Therapy for our smart use of a small space. Go ahead, take a peek!

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