Happy Holidays!
>> Thursday, December 24, 2009

Yesterday was tough. I think the workday lasted longer than any other workday EVER. But it wasn't all bad . . . I got to wear some comfy flannel-lined pants and slippers:

But now I'm happy to bid farewell to work until the new year. On that note, likely I won't be posting that much over the next four days, so please be patient with me :) Just so ya'll know, we're nearing (never home)maker's first giveaway! As of this morning, we have 219 subscribers . . . w00t! So exciting! When we reach 250 -- that's when I'll post info about the giveaway. Just a little gift to you all for the love.
Don't forget: You have until January 3rd to submit your FREEKENDs to us. We can't wait to hear from you. And if we don't -- we'll share what we did. No hard feelings.
Have a great holiday, and watch next week for some awesome posts featuring my family! Now here's a question: What's your most central holiday tradition? Here at the (never home)maker household, we're dorks, and we like to take a nice 6-mile jog around my little hometown around 5 or 6 PM on X-mas eve . . . we listen to all the church bells ring, look into all the cozy homes, and admire the lights strung about town. Looking forward to doing that this evening.
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