Oh, hello! And DETOX: Day 1
>> Monday, December 28, 2009

Good morning! Today is the first day of my full work week off. Jealous? Don't be. It's time off long overdue . . . and with only a few concrete plans, I intend to make the most of it (RELAX). Hope everyone had a great holiday! We certainly did. However, if you're anything like me, you're likely waking up these days in a post-cookie-madness sugar haze (it feels like a hangover to me, though I've had only little to drink if anything). I've decided to do something about that.
Yup -- a detox.
Not really a hard-core one. It's more detox-ish than full on . . . anything is better than subsisting on a diet of cookies alone. I am somewhat following Gwyneth Paltrow's, but with a bit more food . . . need to fuel the running. So today's share is actually something way healthy. I've decided to re-create my favorite chocolate chipper -- chocolate chip-coconut cookies -- into a raw cookie. Now, those of you out there who eat a raw diet (or dabble more than I have) might have some suggestions to make this recipe healthier, more raw -- I imagine the carob chips aren't raw technically, etc.
Please, please, please share your thoughts. I'm new to this whole genre, but most eager to learn.

Coconut & Carob "Cookies" (more like energy chunks)
What you'll need . . .
- 1-3/4 cups raw walnuts
- 3/4 cup steel cut oats
- 1/4 cup agave syrup
- 1/4 cup almond butter
- 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
- 1/2 package vegan carob chips (I used Sunspire)
- 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes

Method . . .
- In a food processor, blend together the oats and walnuts until well incorporated.
- In a large bowl, mix together all ingredients. I first combined the walnut-oat mixture with the agave, almond butter, and vanilla extract. Then I added everything else. Just keep mixing until everything is covered.
- Line a cookie sheet (or plate) with plastic wrap or wax paper. Drop heaping tablespoons onto the sheet (I found it helpful to really PUSH the ingredients into the tablespoon and then press down on them once on the sheet to flatten slightly).
- Refrigerate for a few hours to harden. Or just eat like dough.
They're REALLY good. Remind us of these energy chunks we used to buy at our beloved natural foods store in Ithaca. Anyway, stay tuned for more fantastic, detox-friendly recipes all this week as we gear up for the new year. We're also working on our resolutions. One of mine is to spend less time on the couch. But as I type this -- Stephen's on the couch playing our new favorite game: New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Best game ever. And I plan to join him . . . NOW.
Pssst: Don't forget to submit your FREEKEND to us!!!
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