DETOX: Day 2 -- Miso Soup
>> Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 2 of the detox, and we're doing swell. OK. For Stephen our "diet" is pretty much normal eating. For me, it's a bit different. I think we've been over it already, but I eat WAY too much sugar. All the time. Last night I got my first real craving. So, I broke out some cocoa-covered popcorn (this really tasty, "guilt-free," vegan kind made by Lesser Evil) . . . seemed to do the trick.
What exactly HAVE we been eating? Here's the breakdown:
- Breakfast: First, a huge mug of tea with 1/2 lemon squeezed into it. Later, a fruit smoothie (though I may do a few green smoothies, too) . . . and we've been adding some whole grain cereal for energy for running.
- Snack: Fruit or veggies.
- Lunch: SOUP. Today I'm giving the recipe for miso soup. Ours is more of a stew because we throw tons of kale and shiitake mushrooms into the mix. We also add a piece of whole wheat bread with some almond butter and a piece of fruit (blood oranges, anyone? -- they're my favorite!).
- Pre-run snack: raw coconut-carob chip "cookies".
- Dinner: Steamed broccoli and brown rice with a mixture of sesame oil and soy sauce on top. This isn't really filling us up, so tonight we're going to make it a stirfry with some tofu.
That's pretty much it. Now, again, it isn't a detox in the true sense. Our friend Kevin and his brothers came over to visit last night, and we all split a fancy beer. So, basically -- we do what we can. I think any effort to eat better is a good step for me at this point.
Today's recipe is for the miso soup we ate yesterday . . . and likely will eat again today. I recommend using lighter miso -- like a white -- but we used barley miso, so just go with what you like.
What you'll need . . .
- Handful shiitake mushrooms, thinly sliced
- 4 to 6 scallions, chopped
- 2 cups kale, chopped
- 1 large carrot, shaved
- 6 cups water
- 1/4 cup miso paste

Method . . .
- Put water and all veggies/mushrooms into a large stock pot and bring to a boil over high heat.
- Drop the heat down to a simmer and set your timer for 10 minutes.
- Take pot off heat and stir in the miso. This part can be tricky -- you need to make sure it all dilutes.
- Serve and enjoy (makes about 4-5 servings).
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