Another Powerhouse Smoothie
>> Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Another cold one here in upstate NY. But that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying my morning smoothies. This one is just too good to save up for another day (I wanted to give a bit more variety for my morning post, but I'm thrilled about how awesome this tastes). What's in it? Strawberry, banana, coconut, cocoa, agave, flax meal, and soy milk. It's difficult to explain the flavor . . . the cocoa prevails, but in a very I'm-drinking-a-healthy-smoothie-as-part-of-my-healthy-day kind of way.
Quick note on the "detox" we have going on up in here. Stephen and I both took the same food to work yesterday: 4 large crackers, 1/4 cup homemade hummus (recipe to be shared in the coming days), 1 avocado, 2 brown rice cakes, apple, orange, and 2 energy chunks. We have divided everything into containers for each day of the week . . . to make the whole thing grab and go . . . and eating all that healthy stuff at work really curbed our hunger. I didn't find myself scraping together nickles and dimes for a trip to the vending machine (or wall of shame, as I like to call it). Stephen's coworkers were impressed with our cooking skills. And we both reported sustained levels of energy throughout the day.
Enough for me to join Stephen on his 4-miler after work yesterday. And I don't even usually run on Mondays! AND! Speaking of running, apparently my time at Saturday's 10k was faster than I expected. The results are in, and I finished in 49:03, not 50:20. Hooray!
Enough about us. Let's get you going with this smoothie recipe . . .

What you'll need . . . (for two smoothies or one really big smoothie)
- 1 cup frozen strawberries
- 1 banana
- 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
- 1 tablespoon flax meal
- 2 tablespoons coconut flakes (unsweetened)
- 1 cup soy milk
- 1 squirt agave (to sweeten, this is optional)
Method . . .
- Throw everything in your blender.
- And blend.
- And pour.
- Enjoy!

Now, here's something new: the RECIPE FINDER. You'll have to bear with me while I get it up and running . . . but it's an easier way to search for recipes on this site. Visually! In the coming days, you should be able to find all recipes that I've posted . . . divided into categories breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and vegan. I may even add a special detox category. Not sure yet.
I'd love to know what you think about it -- good, bad, unnecessary . . . just let me know :)
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