Plus Sign: What I'm Adding

>> Tuesday, October 23, 2012

When I'm examining my diet (and life, in general), it isn't always so much about what I need to stop eating or doing. Instead, what I need to add is more of a focus for me. Anyway, I already eat lots of fruit, healthy whole grains, and dairy products.

I've been eating many other things -- mostly from the fats and sugars category -- too.

Cough. Cough.

So, even if I continue eating all the sugar, which I haven't so far -- yay!, greens (and protein, but I'll write about that another day) is what I've needed to add. Sure, I'm trying to tackle my sugar addiction, but rather than dwell on my countless failures, I'd rather think on the positive side.

The easiest way to add greens? Smoothies, of course!

Green smoothies are nothing new. I first learned about the whole concept on Angela's site years and years ago. Since then, I've had many for breakfast and snacks I've even come up with some of my own favorite recipes.

To make this one, blend together the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup (or giant fistful) spinach 
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple 
  • 1 small, ripe banana 
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 4 oz plain low-fat yogurt (I used peach because that's all we had -- baby yogurt!) 
* Feel free to play around with the amounts to make the smoothie consistency to your specific liking. I prefer it a bit thinner than I take pure fruit smoothies.

I'm resisting writing another goal for myself today. I think one is enough to try and incorporate into my life. To recap: I'm trying my best to eat breakfast earlier each day and focus on protein versus carbs. In addition, I'm reexamining my schedule to alleviate some of the work/home multitasking that comes with working from my living room and being a SAHM.

Basic. Simple. And I'm hoping that means sustainable.

Here's to another good day! I'd love to hear how your own adventures are going. Have you set any goals for yourself? How do you plan to stick with them in the long run?

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