Thoughts on Boston

>> Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I can't write another post about running without first sending our deepest love + sympathies to the runners, spectators, volunteers, etc. impacted by yesterday's tragic events in Boston. As much as the attack has stunned us as Americans . . . we, as runners, are far more disheartened than we could have imagined.

Marathons -- especially the Boston Marathon -- are events rife with energy, pride, and soul. I don't even need to explain to other runners the strong sense of unity, of camaraderie among all people of all shapes/sizes/colors/genders/beliefs that arises before, during, and after those 26.2 miles.

At most races, for that matter.

It's a spirit so absolutely antithetical to the motivations behind terrorism, which makes the whole thing even more difficult to reconcile. (As if these sorts of things can ever have sense made of them.)

You may be watching the news. But if you'd like some less sensationalized thoughts to mull over:

(The New Yorker)  

(Runner's World) 

(Runner's World)  

Heroes on Boston Marathon Day
(social media collection)


(Washington Post, great quote by Kathrine Switzer)

Now I don't feel like writing much about my training, but I'll give a brief overview because it's been two full weeks since I've updated my half marathon training cycle.

In NYC, I planned to run very little but managed two 6-milers and a 4-miler. I'll write a post about sightseeing via running another day (it was going to be my focus today, but things change). Overall, a good week, though with all the walking we did, I was spent and skipped my long run.

Last week was fine. Two high notes: I got in a difficult workout I've been dreading. 4x1600 at 7:20/mile, a total of 7 miles in 55 minutes. Felt speedy and really happy I'm making the effort to actually do speedwork this time around. Then I ran a 12-mile progressive long run yesterday afternoon and felt surprisingly strong, which is a huge improvement from last year's training cycle where I definitely was building mileage again after my pregnancy.

Then last night Stephen pointed out that I somehow haven't been living in real-time and that I actually have another week of training before the race (my training plan wasn't dated and I kept thinking the race was earlier than it actually is). I am going to repeat last week's workouts this week, so round 2 of 4x1600 is on Thursday. Phew.

I think that's enough for today, all things considered. I know many of you would like some notes on my new shoes, the Brooks Pure Connect, so I'll try to do that soon. I have run in them exclusively for the last several weeks and feel like I wish I had switched sooner.

If you have thoughts to share (or poignant + anti-CNN or FOX news articles -- I absolutely hate that they are sharing the carnage in such graphic detail) about Boston, leave them in the comments below.

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