Sick Day

>> Thursday, June 13, 2013

I woke up with scratchy throat, aches + chills, and then discovered I have a chesty cough.


Those of you who have already listened to me moan and groan on Twitter and Facebook gave me some great suggestions for how to feel better, fast. Thanks! Here are some goodies if you're not feeling so hot today either.

"Rest, tea, citrus, steamy things, spicy things (like horseradish spicy), REST, netflix" -- Laurie

"Do you have any eucalyptus oil? I dilute in coconut oil and rub on chest and back. I also put drops of it (pure) in shower." -- Diana

"ACV, Lemon, H2O & Honey mixed. Fruits & veggies. Squeeze in a nap. Peppermint or Eucalyptus Oil may also help." -- Alyssa

"Drink kombucha. Lots of kombucha." -- Jason

"Inhale peppermint oil - either some in hands, or in boiling water and breathe steam. Olive leaf extract. Sleep." -- Kat

"Sleeeeep! Take zicam, vitamins and lots of water! ACV works wonders too!" -- Marisa

Thankfully Ada is super happy today. So, after I mustered all the energy I could to play with her this morning, we went out to the store and I got some Badger Chest Balm, Gingerade Kombucha, and fresh chocolate donut(s). Probably not the best dietary choice, but I'm not hungry either -- so I haven't had any yet.


Now I'm sitting on the couch watching The Details. (I have a thing for Tobey Maguire since The Great Gatsby, which I know is strange because his character, at least in the book, isn't exactly meant to be a dreamboat for the ladies, amIright?) Messed up movie, but not entirely un-enjoyable. Just wanted to pop in and say hi.

And also . . .

The winner of the Albion swimsuit giveaway is Andrea! Congrats -- I'll be in contact with you soon regarding your prize.

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