10-Minute Heirloom Tomato Sauce

>> Monday, August 19, 2013

A goal I have for this blog is to simplify the foods I feature and to keep it real with regard to what we eat on a day-to-day basis. So, over the coming weeks, I'll highlight a few previously overlooked staples we have in our kitchen. Things that aren't really exciting or masterpieces on their own, but recipes that bring a lot of flavor and vibrancy to the meals we eat.

Which brings us to this delightfully simple tomato sauce, great for use on pasta or pizza or even for dipping. You don't need to use heirlooms, they're just particularly delicious and gigantic. And tomatoes can be switched out with tomatillos, too. I make sauce with whatever we get in our CSA basket.


What you'll need . . .
  • 2 very large tomatoes  (or approx 1-1/2 cups) chopped
  • Minced onion + garlic*
  • Dried or fresh herbs of choice
  • Salt + pepper
  • Red pepper flake
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup 
  • olive oil
* You can certainly use fresh, but I keep a secret stash of dehydrated onions and garlic by Earth's Pride on hand for quick recipes like these.

Method . . . 
  1. Heat a tablespoon or more of olive oil over medium-high heat, toss all ingredients into the pan, starting with the tomatoes, onions, and garlic.
  2. The salt is important in this recipe for drawing out the moisture from the tomatoes. So, be sure to add that straight away.
  3. Add the spices slowly, though -- remember, you can always add more, but not take away. It's all to your taste, too. Feel free to omit red pepper flakes if you don't like heat or maple syrup if you don't like sweetness. Others to consider adding include oregano, thyme, basil, and even sage can be nice!
  4. Cook + stir continuously and  as moisture is released from the tomatoes, squish them down with the back of your spatula or spoon to your desired chunky consistency. 
  5. Sauce is ready after 10 minutes or less, depending on the use. For pizza, just make sure that it is thick and not watery. 
  6. For a less rustic sauce, run through your food processor until smooth. And feel free to double, triple, etc. this recipe for more sauce!

To make this pizza, flatten dough and bake at 450 for 2 to 3 minutes. Then assemble with the sauce and cheeses and bake for another 12 to 14 minutes. Until cheese is golden brown + bubbly.
  • Use half the yield of the Pumpkin Pizza Dough (we made ours with squash puree)
  • Use the sauce you just made
  • Mozzarella cheese + crumbled honey goat cheese
  • Fresh basil
If you don't have fresh tomatoes on hand, try this Boozy + Bold Sauce made with packaged tomatoes. And if you have a bit more time, try out this Grilled Kalamata Sauce, maybe with Pesto Pizza Dough

Monday is as great a night as any for pizza, don't you think?

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