DETOX: Day 3 -- Smoothies
>> Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The detox is going OK . . . wow is it hard! (Missed the beginning? Read about Day 2 and Day 1.) One of my favorite parts of the day is the morning smoothie. This one's got raspberries, bananas, pineapple, fresh ginger, and soy milk in it. Blended together, it's tangy and makes us forget it's below zero outside (which was the case yesterday . . . BRRR!). Last spring I even tried green smoothies for a while. If you haven't heard about the nutritional powerhouse that is the green smoothie, you can read all about it at the Green Monster Movement site maintained by Angela at Oh She Glows.
So how am I feeling after three days of eating more fruits and veggies? Staying away from refined carbohydrates? Eating far fewer cookies? What do you think? I feel GREAT. But I am starting to miss "real" baking. I found this recipe for a chocolate-peanut butter layer cake on Smitten Kitchen I'm just dying to try! Like I said, this new diet is hard. And I write diet in the true sense of the word . . . it is in no way a calorie restriction. That just doesn't work for me. Or anyone, really. A diet needs to be a lifestyle change. So, I'll need to adapt my baking accordingly. Don't fret, though. This means more exciting recipes for all you (never home)makers!
Last rambling thought: I'm even thinking about going vegan again . . . at least 80% of the time. I already eat a primarily-vegan diet. Pizza and my favorite sandwich often get in the way, however . . . filling my stomach with so much cheese and white bread. I just need to find a healthier way to get my fix. Hmmmm.
By now I can hear you begging me to stop talking about all this stuff and give you the smoothie recipe already. OK!

What you'll need (to make two smoothies)
- 1 large banana
- 1 cup frozen raspberries
- 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
- Fresh ginger -- to taste and minced
- 1 cup soy milk
Method . . .
- Throw everything in a blender.
- Blend until fully incorporated. Check for clumps of frozen fruit.
- Serve and enjoy right away. Though, I imagine you can refrigerate for later, too.
- Want to make it a green smoothie? Throw in a handful of kale! No joke: It doesn't impact the flavor too terribly much . . . and kale is SUPER healthy. The green bugger pictured below is made exactly the same way . . . however, I used water instead of soy milk. And added that lush handful of kale.

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