DETOX: Day 5 -- Back to Square One
>> Friday, January 1, 2010

I only wish I could say I ate something this wonderfully healthy in the past 24 hours. To say that I'm on day five of the detox at this point is a bit of a lie. (What's this detox all about? Read about Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4!) Unfortunately, New Year's Eve and our party totally threw me back into old habits. And it didn't stop at the party. It continued all day today with all the leftovers. But as today is the start of the new year, tomorrow is the start of a new day, etc., etc., I have plenty of time to get back on track.
One of my new year's resolutions is to stop being so hard on myself if I stray from my resolutions. Being that this diet -- adding whole fruits & veggies -- is one of them . . . I'm not going to let a day of weird eating get me down. The fact is: I've been consuming SO MUCH healthy stuff . . . so, even with the added "bad" desserts, etc. -- I'm still benefiting from enhanced nutrition. I think that deserves a w00t.
Take this beautiful salad, for instance. We gobbled it up a few days ago for lunch. It was so incredibly filling that I couldn't finish my portion -- AND I wasn't hungry for the rest of the afternoon. Magic salad? Maybe. The secret is in the miso-ginger dressing. Because if you know me . . . you know the one dish I absolutely HATE is salad. I hate getting it as a starter. I hate getting it as a side. And I certainly hate getting it as a meal. But honestly, truly, deeply . . . I quite like this one.
The recipe below is one I modified, inspired by the miso-ginger recipe on GOOP.

What you'll need . . .
- 1 large carrot, peeled and roughly chopped
- 1 large shallot, peeled and roughly chopped
- 2 tablespoons roughly chopped ginger
- 1 tablespoon white miso (we just used the same barley miso we used for our soup)
- 2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
- 1/4 cup sesame oil
- 2 tablespoons water

Method . . .
- Put all ingredients in a food processor and blend until fully incorporated.
- Serve over any salad. Ours included a hefty dose of kale, green apple, carrot, mushrooms, and other mixed greens.
So there you have it. Lush, leafy greens . . . drenched in a relatively guilt-free dressing. A salad this girl will actually eat -- and one her husband will add to his favorites list. I'm excited to get back on track tomorrow. Filling my diet with more whole foods has actually had a dramatic impact on how I feel during the day. Energy is abounding. In other health news at the (never home)maker residence: We're running a 10k tomorrow morning, party of a local "freeze" race series. I'm a bit nervous because the temps are supposed to be around 17 degrees F, but feel more like 1 degree with wind and some snow.
It'll be great! (At least that's what I keep telling myself.)

Speaking of running -- and I'll likely write another post dedicated entirely to our party, so stay tuned -- last night after the ball dropped (which we didn't watch because we don't have TV) . . . a few of my friends and I took a jog around the block to usher in the new year. Exhilarating. Amusing. Tiring in the snow. And, yes -- a little crazy. But I think it'll be a new tradition to add to our growing list.
Tomorrow when I post, I hope to have just taken an immensely hot shower . . . and to be sipping a giant mug of tea. Till then, my friends . . . :)
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