Moonshine Kingdom

>> Monday, October 29, 2012

Nothing much to report from this morning. I'm finishing up some storm preparations, as I just wrote on Writing Chapter Three. This weekend went well eating-wise. Though, I did find myself in possession of a couple frosted sugar cookies from Wegmans. (Note the passive voice.)

In an appropriate Halloween theme, of course.

This weekend marked the Zombie Run, but due to the storm, I think most people were out scrambling around to get water and supplies. (Not-so funny story: All the stores are out of water.) Only a few of us showed up compared to a couple years ago. So, we went out for coffee brains instead.

At least I got a few photos. I don't think Ada knew what to think when mommy had all that strange makeup on. I'm still washing it off my forehead, too.

Weekend highlight: I made the most delicious batch of Pumpkin Garlic Knots (and replaced the agave with maple syrup -- you may also use honey). We ate them Friday night and we f.i.n.a.l.l.y watched Moonrise Kingdom. Delete. I did it AGAIN! I keep accidentally calling it MoonSHINE Kingdom.

That would be another kind of movie entirely, wouldn't it?

Of all the recipes on this blog, the pumpkin garlic knots are -- by FAR -- my favorite. Also one of the easiest. And I make them year-round, even when the pumpkin supply is relegated to the bottom shelf in the most obscure corner of the grocery store.

Which has me thinking: Right now we mostly have winter squashes waiting to be roasted, dough waiting to be baked into bread, and eggs that need to be fried before consuming. We have some packets of baby food for Ada and some raw fruits and veggies for us, but very little else that can just be eaten as-is.

When the weather gets rough, do you have a stash of emergency foods? I need to add this to my last-minute list. Oh, and I need to get this load of funky diapers into the wash ASAP, too. I wouldn't want to be stuck with them any longer than necessary.

More soon!

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