Weekly Digest, no. 3

>> Saturday, March 15, 2014

/ / / / / / / / / / (NEVER)HOMEMAKER \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

We ran the first major race of "spring" racing season. And we both PRed! Check out our thoughts on the event + I also reviewed a new fuel belt that doesn't bounce when I run -- majorly helpful.

Grocery Budget: $60 average continues

Continuing our #unsponsored review of Aldi shopping for the month. We've been able to stick to a $60 average budget for our food -- and that cuts nearly $200 off what we HAD been spending. Major savings, all while eating some good food. Sample dinners are also featured in this post.

Chocolate Chunk Energy "Cookies"

It's been a while since we shared a homemade energy chunk/bar recipe -- but we love them (and know you do, too!). This mix is one of my favorite to date -- and it's made with mostly Aldi ingredients, so it's also budget-friendly!

Weekend Things

Looking for some meal-spiration this weekend? Check out our 25 TOP RECIPES of 2013! I was surprised what made the list, but also excited to see how much you guys liked certain ones! (Plus a bunch of other fun links for the week.)

/ / / / / / / / / / WRITING CHAPTER THREE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

We're All Doing This Parenting Thing Right (And Wrong!)

My thoughts on the mommy-wars, which are really irking me lately. Seems like every morning when I log onto my computer, there's a "new" debate (which is really just an old one, re-hashed). When is enough going to be enough?

What's the Deal?

The very best mom + baby + kid deals, all hand-picked for you! Some amazing steals this time around, including 70% off a great unisex windbreaker that's perfect for spring!

House Tour (NEW!)

Our house is going on the market next week, so that means it's FINALLY totally clean + so I could take photos. Check out how much our home has changed since the last tour we did way back in 2009!

Putting My Toddler In School

We're signing Ada up for preschool in the fall. But I need your help! Experienced moms: How many days do you think is best for a young 3-year-old? And other questions . . .

/ / / / / / / / / / ELSEWHERE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \


Ashley, Stephen, and Ada

Psssst: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Next week we'll show you how to make this awesome whole wheat naan on your stovetop!

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