Weekend Things

>> Friday, May 16, 2014

So many links to share! I've decided to merge the Weekend Things and Weekly Recap into one post. Why not? I've really been feeling the quality versus quantity thing with regard to posts lately. Granted, we've been quite busy so my usual posting is down (don't worry, I have lots of food plans this weekend!) . . . but I can't believe the number of blogs I'm seeing that still post like 3x/day every day!

First encouraging words:

Fun Links:

#1: I've been going nuts pinning interiors for house #2. Like this red door. I'm absolutely obsessed with it on the inside and out.

#2: Oh, and while we're on the house -- if all goes well, we might find ourselves with a breakfast room, which I'd love to have look just like this one. How ridiculous is that?

#3: I love our current dark grey walls, but I think I'm warming up to that ubiquitous Revere Pewter color that's so beautifully adaptable as trends come and go.

#4: I've been using my FitBit Flex again, and I'm ready to do a full review of it next week. It may not be 100% accurate, but on the days when I track my steps I am definitely inspired to be more active in general. Now I sort of want this pretty colored set of bands to wear with it.

#5: Great sale on Sprout foods one of my favorite brands of kid snacks today. And be sure to check out this great Bike to Work collection of items, including racks, safety lights, baskets, and other accessories.

#6: These garden party cupcakes are too cute. In other food news, we were featured on BuzzFeed as one of the 18 Best Uses for Old Bay with our Dinosaur Kale Chips.

#7: How smart is this idea to place garbage bags on a paper towel roll? And did you know you can bring down a fever with Peppermint?

#8: In fact, I've been super interested in essential oils lately beyond the standard lavender and peppermint. I've been checking out a few introductory kits to get started and am about ready to commit to this First Aid Set. They are calming and relaxing, but I'm learning more about their use and I'd love to start delving deeper.

#9: How to make brown sugar! I'd love to do this for one of my many half dozen cookie recipes.

#10: And last, some of you were asking how I'm liking my Birkenstock Mayari sandals. Holy moly. They're my favorite shoes ever. Even more comfortable than my Saltwater sandals.

Lately on Writing Chapter Three:


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