Homesteading For Beginners

>> Monday, October 6, 2014

So, some of you might be wondering why I’m delving deeper and deeper into homesteading territory. No, I haven’t turned into some underground prepper stockpiling supplies for the zombie apocalypse. Instead, I’m striving to be more self-sufficient in our everyday lives. It’s empowering. It’s smart, too -- I like using the resources we already have at our disposal.

Plus, many of the projects we’ve been involved with have helped us save money all while catering better to our family’s specific needs. We’ve created all our own green cleaning supplies, for example, and they are certainly healthier and safer than even the most “natural” store-bought alternative. With each new idea or project, we learn something useful for the future.

Since I’m still relatively novice to this way of life, I thought I’d share some of the resources I’ve been using to guide my path. I’ve discovered through writing about homesteading that many of you are interested in dipping your toes in the waters.

Good news: It’s not an all-or-nothing adventure.

Getting Started With Homesteading

This comprehensive beginners guide via Common Sense Home has info about anything from gardening to raising animals to smarter food storage. I especially like this post on involving young kids in the process. But, just like me, you can skip over anything that doesn’t fit your lifestyle or goals.

Advice From 9 Modern Homesteaders 

I love this article in Mother Earth News about self-sufficiency from some homegrown “experts” in the area. What you’ll gather as you read is that you start the process using whatever tools you already have. For some, maybe you actually grew up canning or on a farm. For others, everything might be entirely new. You’ll be happy to know there’s no prerequisite -- you can start wherever you find yourself on this spectrum.

Little House in the Suburbs

As much as I dream of moving back to my hometown in the mountains -- it looks like we’re here to stay in our current digs in the suburbs. At least for a while. So, we’re trying to take advantage of the things we can do versus dwelling on what we can’t. The book Little House in the Suburbs is a great jumping off point if you’re in a similar situation. There are canning techniques, homemade household item recipes, backyard gardening tips, and -- my favorite -- community building ideas.

How Homesteading Makes You Happier

I found this post on Pioneer Settler early on about the 12 ways becoming self-sufficient can make you a happier person. For us, even this early in our process -- many of these ideas hold true. I love saving money, feeling more in control of our home, and there’s this tremendous feeling of satisfaction I get from all of it.

Made From Scratch

Another book I’ve enjoyed reading is Made From Scratch which helps readers discover the “pleasures of a homemade life.” I like the review on the back of my copy by Deseret News, which explains how “this book isn’t about having a farmhouse or acres of land, or a barn full of livestock, but about being home open to learning the simple skills most of us have forgotten.”

And Much More . . .

If you want to follow along with different articles and resources as I find them, follow my Homesteading Pinterest Board. I try to put on there things that I want to try, others that I find a little crazy, and general inspiration for moving ahead with our own self sufficiency.

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* Here’s the image source for the 1800s garden above.

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